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67th UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs: A Mother, Police Officer, and Cannabis Patient Speaks Out

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Natasha Barz, a dedicated mother of six, a seasoned police officer in Germany, and a cannabis patient, took the stage at the side event during the 67th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) to share her deeply personal journey. As a representative of LEAP Germany (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition), Natasha's testimony shed light on the transformative power of medical cannabis and the urgent need for policy reform.

In 2020, Natasha's life took a drastic turn when she was diagnosed with cancer. Enduring surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, she grappled with debilitating side effects such as nausea, fatigue, and neuropathic pain. However, cannabis offered hope by alleviating her symptoms and restoring her quality of life. Despite facing stigma and discrimination as a cannabis patient and user, Natasha's resilience and determination shine through as she continues to advocate for the rights of patients like herself.

Natasha's experiences underscore the critical importance of prioritizing the well-being of patients and challenging outdated laws and misconceptions surrounding cannabis. As a mother, Natasha emphasizes the need to protect our loved ones not from the medicinal benefits of cannabis, but from the unjust stigmatization and criminalization associated with it.

Drawing from her 30 years of experience in law enforcement, Natasha calls for a paradigm shift in drug policy, advocating for legalization and responsible regulation of the cannabis market. She highlights the shortcomings of current laws, which not only fail to address the needs of patients but also perpetuate harm by fueling the black market and empowering organized crime.

As a speaker for LEAP Germany, Natasha urges policymakers to prioritize education over criminalization, fostering a culture of tolerance and destigmatization surrounding cannabis use. She calls on individuals to raise their voices, challenge misconceptions, and advocate for a drug policy rooted in justice, dignity, and security.

Natasha's poignant testimony serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of medical cannabis and the imperative for compassionate and evidence-based drug policies. As she stands at the forefront of the movement for reform, Natasha's unwavering advocacy inspires hope for a future where patients are empowered, stigma is dismantled, and justice prevails.