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Partner with

Who We Are is a news and business listing platform that specializes in offering detailed information on the legalized cannabis industry. We aim to enable consumers to locate businesses, source relevant health information, and aggregate the data that they need to make informed decisions.


We are receptive to partnerships with the following entities:

  • CBD Suppliers
  • Legalized Distributors
  • Government Entities and Municipalities
  • Health Information Suppliers

We prefer to work on commission, preference is given to companies that can offer us discount codes and other perks to our visitors.

Please contact us to let us know how we can work together.

Conference Partnerships

We list legitimate industry leading conferences in the Cannabis industry.

In return for listing a conference we expect our logo with a link to our website to be displayed on the media partners section of your website. Our logo should also be listed in any print brochure or media that features media partnerships.

Our logo can be accessed from this page.

Conference Passes

We expect 2 complimentary conference passes which may or may not be used depending on our schedule.

Discount Codes

We will increase coverage of your conference with discount codes. In order to do this the discount code must be unique to our website.


If we are paid commission on sales we will feature your listing in BOLD and we will further promote your conference by using logos and banners below and above the conference schedule.

Let’s get started

We only partner with conferences that we believe in. Please contact us.