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Is Weed Legal in Ecuador? (May 2024)

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Yes, medical cannabis was legalized in Ecuador in 2019 by the National Assembly. TEcuador joined other Latin American countries that have laxened their laws to accommodate cannabis for medical use. Other Latin American countries that have legalized cannabis include  Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Uruguay.

About Ecuador

Ecuador is a small country on the left coast of southern America. It borders Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and the Pacific to the west. Ecuador has rich and fertile soil which is ideal for farming. It is located at the equator and enjoys consistent fair weather throughout the year. This makes it  possible to grow cannabis outdoors in several cycles in a year. 

Is Cannabis Decriminalized in Ecuador?

Yes,  cannabis was decriminalized in Ecuador in 2013 but the law took full effect in June, 2020.  Previously, Ecuador had very punitive anti-cannabis laws. Possession of any amount of cannabis could lead to imprisonment of up to 12 years. This led to hundreds of people being imprisoned for nonviolent marijuana related crimes. It was common for marijuana users to be declared guilty even before they got a chance to be presented before a court of law.

In 2013, the government of Ecuador amended the law and decriminalized cannabis. Those found guilty of possessing or consuming cannabis that does not exceed 10 grams should not be prosecuted under the new law. According to article 364, marijuana use is not considered as a crime but as a health problem.

Is Medical Cannabis Legal in Ecuador?

Yes, medical cannabis is legal in Ecuador. A medical cannabis bill was first introduced in the Ecuadorian National Assembly in 2016. At this time, the Uruguay medical cannabis program was yet to take shape. This made politicians in Uruguay hesitant to pass the cannabis bill.

In 2019, the Ecuadorian Parliament amended Article 340 of the Organic Health Code which stated that cannabis has harmful effects. The National Assembly voted on the issue and while 83 voted in favor of amending the law, 23 voted against while 23 members were absent. The ne3w law removed marijuana from the list of prohibited plants. Medical cannabis in Ecuador is limited to cannabis that does not exceed 1% THC. Medical doctors can now prescribe cannabis to patients under strict guidelines.

Is Recreational Cannabis Legal in Ecuador?

No, recreational cannabis is not legal in Ecuador. If anything, Ecuador still maintains ve4ry harsh anti-cannabis laws. Those found guilty of trafficking cannabis of any amount are likely to face a 10 year imprisonment sentence. To make matters worse, one can be charged with several crimes at once and receive a different punishment for it. For example, one can be charged for transporting cannabis and also for distributing it. This may lead to a sentence of close to 16 years, which is higher than the sentence meted out for capital offenses.

Is Hemp Legal in Ecuador?

Yes, hemp is legal in Ecuador for as long as it doesn't not contain more than 1% THC. Ecuador’s ministry of Agriculture (MAG)  released hemp regulations in 2021. MAG issues licenses for hemp cultivation and lays out the qualifications for the seven sets of licenses. 

Can You Buy CBD in Ecuador?

A few online shops in Ecuador sell CBD. However, the legality of this is uncertain. 

Can You Grow Cannabis In Ecuador?

Yes, you can now cultivate small amounts of cannabis at home, but for your personal use. It is illegal to sell or distribute any form of cannabis. 

Will Ecuador Legalize Cannabis?

There are no clear signs that Ecuador is about to legalize cannabis fully in the near future. However, given the massive support for the medical cannabis bill and the efforts made towards decriminalization, a bill for full legalization might receive overwhelming support when the right time for it comes.