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Mitigating Corporate Capture in Legal Cannabis Markets: A Call to Action

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The legal cannabis  industry presents fertile ground for corporate expansion, with multinational entities looking to capitalize on emerging markets. However, the unchecked growth of corporate power raises concerns about regulatory capture, where vested interests wield undue influence over policy decisions to serve their own agendas.

This article discusses key insights from the 65th UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) session, held in March 2022 in Vienna. Specifically, it draws from the discussions and findings of the side event titled “Mitigating the Risks of Corporate Capture for Legal Cannabis Markets,” shedding light on the strategies and challenges in safeguarding cannabis policy from undue corporate influence.

The concept of corporate capture, as introduced by Steve Rolles, representing the Transform Drug Policy Foundation, paints a grim picture of undue corporate power seeping into regulatory frameworks. From behind-the-scenes lobbying to funding political entities and influencing research, corporations wield significant influence, jeopardizing the integrity of cannabis policy. The parallels drawn with the regulation of alcohol and tobacco industries serve as cautionary tales, highlighting the challenges in curbing corporate dominance once it takes root.

Canada's experience in cannabis regulation serves as a stark reminder of the perils of corporate capture. Despite efforts to introduce micro-cultivation licenses, the market remains largely dominated by a handful of corporations, stifling diversity and innovation. Moreover, the international expansion of Canadian cannabis corporations underscores the global reach of corporate influence, with emerging markets becoming battlegrounds for corporate supremacy.

Lessons from the Cannabis Industry

Benoit Gomis, a Research Fellow at Simon Fraser University, pointed out a critical connection between the tobacco industry's past tactics and the unfolding dynamics within legal cannabis markets. By drawing parallels between the tobacco industry's involvement in illicit trade and the emerging landscape of legal cannabis markets, Gomis underscores the importance of learning from history to inform responsible regulation.

As the discourse surrounding cannabis regulation evolves, the focus shifts from mere legalization to the nuanced task of crafting policies that prioritize public health, social equity, and integrity. Central to this shift is the recognition of the looming threat of corporate capture, wherein powerful entities seek to shape regulatory frameworks to their advantage.

The infiltration of former tobacco industry leaders into the cannabis sector raises alarms about the potential replication of nefarious tactics witnessed in the past. Moreover, the implementation of robust track-and-trace systems remains a formidable challenge, further underscoring the urgency of mitigating corporate influence in cannabis regulation.

To fortify the integrity of legal cannabis markets, proactive measures are imperative. Robust licensing policies, coupled with transparency and accountability mechanisms, serve as foundational safeguards against corporate capture. Additionally, stringent restrictions on corporate funding and a steadfast commitment to social equity programs are essential pillars in fostering a diverse and inclusive market landscape.

Solutions for Effective Regulation

Appreciating the invaluable contributions of organizations like the Transform Drug Policy Foundation, whose insightful reports draw from experiences in other industries like tobacco, Shaleen Title, a former Massachusetts State Cannabis Commissioner, offered a roadmap for navigating the complexities of cannabis regulation while mitigating the risks of corporate capture.

In her reflections, Title emphasizes the importance of timing in regulatory frameworks, a factor often overlooked in other industries. Transitioning from medical to adult-use markets presents unique challenges, as existing operators may gain a head start, leading to market domination and subsequent regulatory hurdles. Urgency, propelled by various stakeholders, including law enforcement concerns about issues like fentanyl-laced cannabis, underscores the need for vigilance against corporate influence.

Turning to solutions, Title outlines a series of recommendations aimed at fostering effective regulation without succumbing to corporate dominance. These solutions, encapsulated in the paper “Bigger is not Better: Preventing Monopolies in the National Markets,” advocate for measures to ensure market diversity and prevent monopolistic control:

  1. Allow Personal Cultivation: Permitting individuals to grow a reasonable number of plants for personal use serves as a check against monopolistic practices and high prices, while also providing alternatives to store-bought products.
  2. Vertical Integration Regulation: Learning from the alcohol industry, regulations should prevent one company from controlling the entire market, thus fostering competition and diversity.
  3. Limiting Market Share: Rather than capping the total number of business licenses, regulations should limit how much of the market one company can control to prevent rapid market consolidation.
  4. Enforce Ownership Limits: Vigorously enforce ownership limits and scrutinize mergers to prevent predatory and anti-competitive practices, with a commitment to investigating and addressing evolving tactics.
  5. Disqualify Harmful Corporations: Corporations that have caused significant public health damage should be disqualified from the cannabis industry, aligning with principles of public health and accountability.
  6. Establish Multiagency Task Forces: Create dedicated task forces to monitor and enforce anti-monopoly measures, ensuring collaboration across agencies and sectors.
  7. Interstate Commerce Regulation: Empower states to regulate or delay interstate commerce to maintain jurisdictional autonomy and support historically excluded communities through tailored solutions.

These recommendations, rooted in Title's extensive experience and collaboration with regulatory bodies, offer a robust framework for effective cannabis regulation that prioritizes public health, social equity, and market integrity.


The 65th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs may have concluded, but the work to safeguard the integrity of cannabis policy continues. At this juncture, it is important for the industry to move ahead, guided by principles of equity, justice, and public health, to build a cannabis industry that serves the common good rather than corporate interests.


Sebastian is a passionate advocate of CBD's therapeutic potential, dedicating himself to exploring its diverse benefits. As a seasoned writer, he eloquently shares his insights and personal experiences with CBD, aiming to educate readers about its transformative power. His life's mission is promoting holistic wellness, with CBD at the heart of his advocacy.