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Can Cannabis Help with Migraines?




Migraines are a debilitating type of headache characterized by severe pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. For some, these symptoms can last for days and severely impact their quality of life. Standard treatments for migraines include over-the-counter pain relievers, prescription medications, and lifestyle modifications. However, these treatments are not always effective and can have undesirable side effects. With increasing legalization and acceptance of cannabis for medicinal purposes, there is growing interest in the potential of cannabis to help manage migraine symptoms.

Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System

Cannabis contains over 100 compounds known as cannabinoids, with the most well-known being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). These cannabinoids interact with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a role in a variety of physiological processes including pain sensation, mood, and memory.

THC is the psychoactive compound that produces the “high” associated with cannabis use. It has analgesic properties that may help to relieve pain. CBD, on the other hand, is not psychoactive and is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The combination of these two cannabinoids is thought to produce an “entourage effect,” whereby they work together to enhance their therapeutic benefits.

Research on Cannabis and Migraines

Clinical research on cannabis for migraines is still in its early stages. A 2016 study in the journal ‘Pharmacotherapy' found that the frequency of migraines in patients decreased with the use of medical marijuana. Similarly, a 2017 review published in ‘Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research' concluded that cannabis appears to be effective for treating headaches and migraines when taken in low to moderate doses.

However, it’s essential to note that while these studies provide promising results, more extensive and rigorous research is needed to establish the efficacy and safety of cannabis for migraine treatment.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

While cannabis may provide relief for some migraine sufferers, it's important to be aware of the potential risks and side effects. These can include dry mouth, dizziness, increased heart rate, and impaired short-term memory. Long-term use can lead to dependency and could potentially worsen mental health issues.

Furthermore, the lack of regulation and standardization in the cannabis industry can make it difficult for consumers to know exactly what they're getting. Different strains of cannabis can have varying levels of THC and CBD, which can affect the therapeutic benefits and side effects.

While the exact mechanism of how cannabis helps alleviate migraine symptoms is not fully understood, some hypotheses revolve around its interactions with the endocannabinoid system and the role of this system in modulating pain and inflammation.

Cannabinoids in cannabis, particularly THC and CBD, interact with the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 in the brain and immune cells, respectively. Some researchers believe that migraines may be partly due to a deficiency or dysfunction in the endocannabinoid system. According to this theory, supplementing the body with plant-based cannabinoids could help restore balance to this system, reducing inflammation and pain sensation.

Moreover, serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of mood and pain, also plays a role in migraines. Some studies suggest that cannabinoids can influence serotonin levels, which could potentially contribute to their pain-relieving effects.

Cannabis vs. Conventional Treatments

Cannabis, in some cases, may be considered as an alternative to traditional migraine treatments, especially for individuals who do not respond to or cannot tolerate these treatments. It can also be seen as a complementary therapy, used in conjunction with other treatments.

In comparison to certain prescription medications used for migraines, cannabis may have a milder side effect profile. However, it's important to remember that response to treatment is highly individual, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Considerations for Use

If considering cannabis as a treatment for migraines, several factors should be taken into account. The method of consumption can influence the onset and duration of effects. Inhalation methods, such as smoking or vaping, can provide rapid relief but are also associated with lung health risks. Oral methods, such as oils or edibles, may offer longer-lasting relief but can take longer to take effect.

The strain of cannabis and the ratios of THC and CBD can also influence the effects. Some migraine sufferers may find relief with THC-dominant strains, while others may prefer CBD-dominant strains or balanced strains.


In conclusion, cannabis represents a promising, yet complex, field of study for migraine treatment. Preliminary research and anecdotal reports suggest it could offer some migraine sufferers relief. However, given the variances in cannabis strains and consumption methods, along with the need for more robust clinical studies, a personalized approach under the guidance of a healthcare provider is strongly recommended. Cannabis should be used responsibly, considering both its potential therapeutic effects and risks.

Yan is a music teacher who's passionate about exploring the world of cannabis and all the amazing benefits it has to offer. You can catch him jamming out to his favorite tunes while immersing himself in the wonders of this incredible plant whenever he can.