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Aron Seal, Founder of Clean Fusion – Interview Series




Aron Seal is the Founder of Clean Fusion a versatile herbal infusion system, that is custom-engineered to make delicious and potent herbal edibles.

Herbal oils and butters for baked treats are easy and effortless with the Clean Fusion system. Infuse rich slow-brewed coffee and decadent herbal milk at the same time to create delicious herbal lattes. You can even create herbal alcohols for magical cocktails!

Clean Fusion promotes itself as the most versatile herbal infusion system ever. What exactly can this system do?

Great question. There are three main lines of use.

First, we start with infused herbal butter. Clean Fusion makes that, just like the other machines on the market but with the Clean Fusion system, butter and oils are just the beginning.

The next line is coffee and lattes. CF brews rich slow-brew coffee while warming, and infusing, your milk.

The third line is alcohol. The leading infusion machine can’t touch it, but safe and easy with the CF toolkit. Then we get into specialty stuff, like kombucha and sous vide steak.

What is your personal favourite dish that you have made that's come out of the Clean Fusion?

For me, it's the Clean Fusion DIY Latte, which, as a medicinal cannabis user, I call Cannalattes. My medicinal Cannalatte recipe uses one gram of medicinal cannabis and one litre of full-fat milk. It makes for a delicious and potent latte. You don’t have to infuse herbs into a Clean Fusion Latte, of course. The straight-up coffee-and-milk Clean Fusion DIY Latte tastes better than the coffee shop at a fraction of the price. But if you happen to have some herbs around…go for it.

Can you discuss how you initially became a consumer of cannabis products? Why was cannabis a better solution for you than traditional medicine? How much of a difference has cannabis made for you?

Cannabis, for me, is life-saving medicine. If I don't take my medicine, I don't leave bed.

Whatever conventional medications are supposed to do, they certainly don't do it for me. They just weaken my body without helping my mind.

I spent much of the 2010s mired in treatment-refractory depression. I spent most of 2017 and 2018 sleeping continuously. It was in a state of desperation that I turned to cannabis in 2019.

Without cannabis, I'd still be asleep.

Can you discuss how you initially got the idea for an infusion company from making yourself coffee?

It started when my brother saw a video of me making cannabis oil using a Ziploc bag and my then-Anova sous vide circulator. His reaction: “Haha. Weed sous vide! Love it!”

And it worked! The first time, at least. I could expect one out of 10 Ziploc bags would puncture. If I used mason jars, the lids would rust in the water within a week, and the glass would crack within a month. Every broken plastic bag and glass jar meant wasted weed and, potentially, a broken sous vide.

After about five lost infusions and two broken – and overpriced – sous vide systems, I decided to develop a reliable and durable silicone infusion kit that I could trust. The first one off the line is as reliable today as it’s been since the day it arrived. I’ve been using it all day, every day for well over a year.

What's your vision for the future of the company?

I'm an edibles-only cannabis consumer, meaning I prefer to eat and brew my cannabis instead of using combustion or vaporization methods, so my future vision is focused on helping consumers make better edibles more effectively than ever before.

The overall culinary vision for Clean Fusion DIY is to show people that one sous vide device can really do it all, far more than just an oil infusion maker. Even if a person just uses it to make coffee, the Clean Fusion DIY makes a more affordable at-home version of gourmet coffee.

For cannabis specifically, Foké.ca is geared toward Canadian cannabis consumers to introduce them to a new way of consuming by making delicious creations effectively and safely.

The Clean Fusion Vision is #DIYEverything.

Ready-made infusions cost a fortune.

With CF DIY, you save up to 90%!

I say more on Tiktok: @CleanFusionDIY

Thank you for the interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Clean Fusion.

A serial entrepreneur Antoine Tardif is an advisor to MyCannabis, he is also the founder of multiple internet start-ups, and is a member of the Forbes Technology Council.