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An Introduction to Gravity Bongs




In the varied landscape of cannabis consumption methods, the gravity bong stands out for its simplicity and efficiency. Often crafted from household items, this device uses the principles of gravity and water pressure to produce a concentrated stream of smoke that's inhaled by the user. In this guide, we'll delve into the mechanics of a gravity bong, guide you through creating one, and offer tips for optimal usage.

Understanding Gravity Bongs: The Mechanics

The gravity bong, also known as a ‘waterfall' or ‘bucket' bong, operates on a simple yet effective mechanism. It comprises two main parts: a larger container filled with water and a smaller, bottle-like container with a bowl of cannabis on top. As the cannabis is lit, the smaller container is slowly raised, creating a vacuum that draws the smoke into it. When the smaller container is later pushed back into the water, the smoke is forced out and into the user's lungs.

This mechanism delivers a powerful, concentrated hit, which often makes the gravity bong a go-to choice for experienced users. However, it's worth noting that the dense smoke can be harsh on the lungs and throat, so it's not typically recommended for beginners or those with respiratory issues.

How to Make a Gravity Bong: A Step-by-Step Guide

Making a gravity bong doesn't require any specialized equipment. Here's a simple guide using household items:

1. Gather Your Materials: You'll need two containers—one large and one small. The larger one could be a bucket or a cooking pot, while the smaller one is usually a plastic bottle. You'll also need a bowl or a piece of aluminum foil to act as a bowl, and of course, your cannabis.

2. Prepare the Smaller Container: Cut the bottom off the smaller container. This will allow it to move freely in and out of the water in the larger container. Then, make a small hole in the cap of the smaller container, where you'll attach your bowl.

3. Prepare the Bowl: If you're using a store-bought bowl, simply attach it to the hole in the cap of the smaller container. If you're using aluminum foil, shape it into a small bowl and poke a few holes in the bottom to allow smoke to pass through. Secure this foil bowl to the cap.

4. Assemble the Bong: Fill the larger container with water. Place the smaller container inside it, ensuring it's fully submerged but not filled with water. Screw the cap, complete with the bowl, onto the smaller container.

5. Pack and Use the Bong: Place your cannabis in the bowl, light it up, and slowly lift the smaller container. As the vacuum forms, it will draw the smoke into the container. Once you've collected enough smoke, unscrew the cap, push the smaller container back into the water, and inhale the smoke.

Tips for Using a Gravity Bong

1. Take It Slow: The concentrated smoke from a gravity bong can be quite potent, so take it slow, especially if you're a first-time user.

2. Maintain Your Bong: Clean your bong regularly to avoid the buildup of resin and ensure a smoother smoking experience.

3. Stay Safe: If you're using a plastic bottle, make sure the plastic doesn't come into direct contact with the flame as it can release harmful fumes.

Cannabis Types Suitable for Gravity Bongs

Just like other smoking methods, gravity bongs can be used with a variety of cannabis types. However, it's important to consider that the powerful hit from a gravity bong may intensify the effects of certain cannabis strains. Here are a few strain suggestions:

1. Indica Strains: These are typically known for their relaxing, body-focused effects. If you're planning a chill evening at home, an Indica strain like Northern Lights or Granddaddy Purple can be a good choice.

2. Sativa Strains: Sativas are known for their uplifting, energizing effects. If you're using a gravity bong during the day or want to stay active, you might consider strains like Jack Herer or Sour Diesel.

3. Hybrid Strains: These offer a balance of Indica and Sativa effects. Strains like Blue Dream or Pineapple Express can provide a more balanced high.

Gravity Bong Etiquette

While a gravity bong is typically used by one person at a time, there are still some etiquette rules to follow, especially if you're sharing the bong with others:

1. Cleaning the Bowl: If you're smoking with others, it's polite to clear the bowl completely before passing it on.

2. Use Fresh Water: Always use fresh water for each session. If you're smoking with others, consider changing the water after each person's turn.

3. Be Mindful of Others: The potent hit from a gravity bong can be intense for some people. Always let others know what to expect, especially if they're new to using a gravity bong.


Whether you're an experienced cannabis user looking for a powerful hit or a DIY enthusiast interested in the physics of smoking, a gravity bong is an intriguing option. It's a simple and efficient method of consuming cannabis, but it's not for everyone, given the intensity of the hits. As with any form of cannabis consumption, it's important to know your limits, consume responsibly, and consider the experience and comfort of others if you're sharing. Happy smoking!

Sameer is a retired crossword enthusiast who's discovered a newfound love for CBD. It's been a total game-changer in managing his arthritis. When he's not filling in blanks, you can find him exploring new hobbies and enjoying all that life has to offer.