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Guide to Smoking Weed: Methods and Strains




Cannabis, also commonly known as marijuana or weed, is a plant species rich in compounds called cannabinoids. Among these compounds, the two most recognized are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is the psychoactive component responsible for the euphoric “high” often associated with cannabis use, while CBD is non-intoxicating and is linked to potential therapeutic benefits. In this article, we will explore the different methods used to smoke cannabis and the varieties of strains best suited to each method.

Understanding Cannabis

When you smoke cannabis, the cannabinoids THC and CBD are released into your system, along with various other components, including terpenes, which contribute to the distinctive aroma and flavor profile of different cannabis strains. The strain you choose, as well as your individual biochemistry, can greatly influence your experience with cannabis.

Typically, cannabis strains fall into three main categories: Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid. Indica strains are often associated with relaxing and sedative effects and are typically recommended for nighttime use. In contrast, Sativa strains are usually linked with uplifting and energetic effects, making them suitable for daytime use. Hybrids are a crossbreed of Indica and Sativa strains, offering a balance of both effects.

Selecting Your Cannabis

Choosing the right strain for your specific needs can significantly enhance your overall cannabis experience. For instance, if you're aiming for a relaxing evening, an Indica strain like Granddaddy Purple could be a perfect choice. This strain is renowned for its relaxing properties and could help promote sleep.

On the other hand, if you're seeking a more energetic or creative high, a Sativa strain like Sour Diesel might be more appropriate. This strain is known for its invigorating effects and could potentially stimulate creativity and productivity.

For those who desire a balance of effects, a hybrid strain like Pineapple Express could be an excellent option. This strain is celebrated for its potent mix of uplifting and calming effects.

Preparing Your Cannabis

To prepare your cannabis for smoking, you'll need to grind your chosen bud. For instance, you might select a gram of Blue Dream, a popular hybrid strain known for its balanced effects. Place the bud in a grinder and twist until the bud is fully ground. The resulting consistency should be not too fine but not too chunky—something akin to the texture of oregano. This texture allows for even burning, whether you're packing a pipe, rolling a joint, or filling a bong.

Choosing Your Method of Consumption

Your chosen smoking method can also shape your cannabis experience. Let's delve into three popular methods:

1. Joints: Joints are one of the most traditional methods of smoking cannabis. They are portable, easy to share, and allow you to enjoy the full flavor of your chosen strain. To roll a joint, you'll need rolling papers, a crutch, or filter, and your ground cannabis. Let's say you've selected a cerebral Sativa like Green Crack. You'd distribute the ground bud evenly along the crease of your rolling paper, insert the crutch at one end, then carefully roll the paper around the cannabis, sealing it with a lick. Once rolled, you'd light the end opposite the crutch and inhale gently from the crutch end.

2. Pipes: Pipes offer a straightforward and convenient way to smoke cannabis. They are easy to use, require no power or water, and are highly portable. If you're smoking a potent Indica strain like Hindu Kush, for example, you'd pack your ground cannabis into the bowl of the pipe, light it while inhaling from the mouthpiece. When using a pipe, it's essential to avoid overpacking the bowl to allow for proper airflow. You might use a lighter or hemp wick to ignite the cannabis while gently drawing in from the mouthpiece. As the smoke fills the chamber, you can release your inhale slightly to allow fresh air to mix with the smoke before fully inhaling into your lungs. Hold the smoke in for a few seconds before exhaling. Remember to start with small puffs and gradually increase as you become more comfortable with the process.

3. Bongs: Bongs, also known as water pipes, provide a unique smoking experience. The water in the bong serves to cool the smoke, making it smoother and less harsh on your throat and lungs. If you've chosen a potent hybrid strain like Gorilla Glue #4, for example, you'd first fill the bong's base with water until the downstem is submerged about one inch. Then, pack your ground cannabis into the bowl. Light the cannabis while simultaneously inhaling from the top of the bong. The smoke will travel through the water, up the neck of the bong, and into your lungs. Bongs can deliver a more potent hit compared to pipes and joints, so remember to take it slow.

Smoking Your Cannabis

After selecting your method and preparing your cannabis, it's time to enjoy. If you're new to smoking cannabis, or trying a new strain, start with a small puff and wait to see how it affects you before taking another. This “start low and go slow” approach is a good rule of thumb for cannabis consumption. Keep in mind that the effects of smoking cannabis can be felt almost immediately but will usually peak within 10 to 30 minutes.

Safety and Responsibly Consuming Cannabis

As with any substance, responsible consumption is key when smoking cannabis. Be mindful of your tolerance and avoid overconsumption. Stay hydrated, as smoking cannabis can often cause dry mouth. Also, it's important to remember that the effects of cannabis can vary greatly depending on the individual, the strain, and the consumption method.

Remember to be informed about your local laws and regulations regarding cannabis use. While it's legal for recreational use in many states and countries, it's still illegal in others. Always ensure you're consuming cannabis in a legal and safe manner.

And, crucially, never drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of cannabis. The effects of cannabis can impair your coordination and reaction time, making these activities unsafe.


Smoking cannabis can be a pleasant experience when approached with knowledge and responsibility. Whether you're a seasoned cannabis consumer or a curious newcomer, understanding the basics—how cannabis works, how to choose and prepare it, how to smoke it, and how to do so safely—can make all the difference.

By selecting the right strain of cannabis, preparing it properly, choosing the right smoking method for you, and consuming it safely and responsibly, you can ensure your cannabis smoking experience is as enjoyable and beneficial as possible. Whether you prefer the energizing effects of a Sativa, the relaxing properties of an Indica, or the balanced attributes of a hybrid, there's a method and a strain out there for you.

Sameer is a retired crossword enthusiast who's discovered a newfound love for CBD. It's been a total game-changer in managing his arthritis. When he's not filling in blanks, you can find him exploring new hobbies and enjoying all that life has to offer.