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Nathan Zeke, CEO at iBliss Life- Interview Series

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 “We wanted to create a product that works synergistically with the body's endocannabinoid system.”

Nathan Zeke

In this exclusive interview with My Cannabis, Nathan Zeke, CEO of iBlissLife, unveils the groundbreaking Micro-Structured Emulsion (MSE) technology that's reshaping cannabis consumption. This innovative delivery system promises rapid onset effects and sets iBlissLife apart in the functional beverage industry. (iBliss is on a mission to enhance the world’s wellbeing through functional lifestyle beverages). Zeke discusses MSE's potential to influence global wellness standards and iBlissLife's expansion plans, offering insights into their mission to harmonize cannabis with holistic wellness.

Meet Nate.

Can you elaborate on iBlissLife's Micro-Structured Emulsion (MSE) technology and how it sets your products apart in the functional beverage industry? 

iBlissLife's Micro-Structured Emulsion (MSE) technology is a unique delivery system that encapsulates cannabinoids and terpenes in a micro-lattice structure that is designed for rapid oral absorption. Unlike competing brands that rely on nano-emulsions, which are prone to degradation and aggregation, our MSE technology preserves the integrity and stability of the active ingredients, ensuring consistent and reliable effects . 

Rapid onset of effects within a minute is a significant achievement. Could you explain how MSE technology achieves such quick absorption and delivery of cannabis effects? 

MSE technology achieves such quick absorption and delivery of cannabis effects by mimicking the way cells function within the human body. Our micro-lattice structured particles are composed of a proprietary encapsulation solution, which allows them to easily cross the oral mucosa and enter the bloodstream. By bypassing the first-pass metabolism in the liver, our MSE technology reduces the onset time and increases the bioavailability of cannabinoids and terpenes . 

Could you shed some light on the challenges and research that went into developing a formulation that complements the body's natural processes without overwhelming it? 

Developing a formulation that complements the body's natural processes without overwhelming it was one of the main challenges and goals of our research. We wanted to create a product that works synergistically with the body's endocannabinoid system, which regulates various physiological functions such as mood, pain, inflammation, and stress. To achieve this, we carefully selected plant-based ingredients that have proven benefits for health and wellness, such as adaptogenic herbs, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. We also optimized the dosage and ratio of cannabinoids and terpenes to provide a balanced and harmonious effect .

Compared to nano-emulsions used by other brands, iBlissLife's Nano-structured particle seems to offer distinct advantages. How does this particle structure enhance the absorption and impact of cannabinoids and terpenes? 

Compared to nano-emulsions used by other brands, iBlissLife's nano-structured particle offers distinct advantages in terms of absorption and the bioavailability of cannabinoids and terpenes. Nano-emulsions are typically unstable and tend to aggregate over time, which reduces their effectiveness and shelf life. Nano-emulsions also have a larger particle size than our nano-structured particles, which limits their ability to penetrate the oral mucosa and reach the target receptors. Our nano-structured particles have a smaller size and a higher surface area, which enhances their solubility and permeability. Moreover, our nano-structured particles protect the cannabinoids and terpenes from oxidation and degradation, preserving their potency and quality . 

With a focus on complementing the human body, could you discuss the holistic approach that iBlissLife takes to wellness, and how it contributes to a harmonious and effective user experience? 

With a focus on complementing the human body's natural processes, iBlissLife takes a holistic approach to wellness that contributes to a harmonious and effective user experience. We believe that wellness is not just about physical health, but also about mental and emotional well-being. That's why our products are specifically formulated to address different needs and preferences of consumers, such as energy, relaxation, immunity, or mood enhancement. Our products are also designed to deliver a predictable and pleasant experience, without any unwanted side effects or aftertaste. By using natural and organic ingredients, we ensure that our products are safe and sustainable for both consumers and the environment . 

Entering a rapidly growing functional beverage market is exciting. How do you envision iBlissLife's disruptive technology influencing the broader wellness industry in terms of consumer expectations and product standards? 

Entering a rapidly growing functional beverage market is exciting for us, as we see a huge potential for our rapid onset technology to influence the broader wellness industry in terms of consumer expectations and product standards. We believe that our technology sets a new benchmark for excellence in wellness products, as it offers a fast, consistent, and reliable way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis and other plant-based superfoods. We also believe that our technology can help educate consumers about the science behind cannabis and its effects on the body, as well as dispel some of the myths and misconceptions that surround this amazing plant. By providing consumers with a convenient and enjoyable way to consume cannabis, we hope to inspire more people to embrace wellness as a lifestyle choice .

Could you provide insights into iBlissLife's expansion plans, considering the global potential of your rapid onset technology? How do you anticipate your products resonating with different markets and consumer preferences?

iBlissLife has ambitious expansion plans, considering the global potential of our rapid onset technology. We are currently working on obtaining regulatory approvals and certifications in various markets around the world, such as Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. We are also developing strategic partnerships with local distributors and retailers who share our vision and values. We anticipate that our products will resonate with different markets and consumer preferences, as we offer a wide range of flavors, formulations, and functions to suit different tastes and needs. We are confident that our products will appeal to both existing cannabis users who are looking for a better alternative to smoking or vaping, as well as new consumers who are curious about trying cannabis for the first time . 

It was a great pleasure to have this conversation with Nathan Zeke, CEO of iBliss Life. Readers who wish to keep up with what the company is doing are invited to do so through the company’s website.

Lydia K. (Bsc. RN) is a cannabis writer, which, considering where you’re reading this, makes perfect sense. Currently, she is a regular writer for Mace Media. In the past, she has written for MyBud, RX Leaf & Dine Magazine (Canada), CBDShopy (UK) and Cannavalate & Pharmadiol (Australia). She is best known for writing epic news articles and medical pieces. Occasionally, she deviates from news and science and creates humorous articles. And boy doesn't she love that! She equally enjoys ice cream, as should all right-thinking people.