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CBD Seeds: Why Do Genetics Matter?

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If you are looking to grow hemp, finding the right CBD seeds will set you off on a path of success. While there are a couple of things that you should consider, CBD seed genetics should rank relatively high on that list.

Any time you mention a strain by its name, such as Wedding Cake or Girl Scout Cookies, a particular set of characteristics come to mind. This could be the aroma, taste, or effects that are produced by the strain. These unique characteristics are imprinted in the genetic makeup of the strain. In other words, it is pretty challenging to obtain a high-quality plant if you don't get the genetics right at the beginning.

What Are Cannabis Genetics?

Like humans, cannabis plants also have traits that are passed on from the parents to their offspring. This is what genetics is all about; inherited characteristics. In humans, this could mean features such as skin color, height, eye color, hair texture, and intelligence, among others. When it comes to cannabis plants, genetic characteristics include aroma, cannabinoid concentration, growing difficulties, yield, and physical appearance, among others. Cannabis genetic traits are usually clustered into four categories as mentioned below:

Landrace strains

These are indigenous strains to an area and are not a result of hydriding different cannabis strains. They are usually hardy and resilient strains, exposed to harsh environmental conditions throughout their growing seasons. Good examples include Colombian Gold (from Colombia) and Afghani Kush (from the Afghan). 

Hybrid strains

This is different from landrace strains and refers to cannabis strains that have been created through cross-breeding. Cannabis seed producers often cross-breed different strains to capture the best qualities and combine them in one strain. This allows the passing on of desirable traits and elimination of unwanted characteristics. Most hybrid strains are a mix between indica and Sativa dominant strains. While some will have more of one (Indica or Sativa) over the other, some will be evenly balanced (50%/50%).

Indica strains

These are cannabis strains that have indica traits predominantly. Indicas are strains that have a more robust body effect than mind effects. Such strains cause a body stone that leaves the user guide to the couch (couch-lock). On the flip side, they hardly generate a head buzz. Landrace strains are either indica or Sativa strains.

Hybrids can be either indica leaning (have more indica than Sativa), Sativa leaning (have more sativa than indica), or balanced hybrid strains (have 50%indica and 50% Sativa).

 Sativa strains

These are cannabis strains that have Sativa traits predominantly. Sativa strains usually have a more robust head buzz than a body stone. After consuming a Sativa strain, users will report feeling energized, more focused and attentive, or more invigorated. 

As mentioned above, landrace strains can be either Sativa or Indica strains. On the other hand, hybrids can have more than the other, or they can be balanced.

Sativa Versus Indica

Different parameters can be used to compare sativas with indicas:

Appearance: Sativas usually grow tall and slender. Indicas are usually short and heavy.

Finishing Time: Sativas take a longer time to reach maturation, approximately 12 weeks. Sativas, on the other hand, take a much shorter time, usually between 10-12 weeks.

Yield: Indicas, unlike Sativas, are heavy yielders. 

Effects: Sativas cause potent cerebral effects while indicas cause potent body effects. 

 What Are Genotypes and Phenotypes?

When buying CBD seeds, you should consider the phenotype and genotype of the seeds. What's the difference between the two?

Every CBD seed has a genotype that makes up its genetic configuration. This refers to the unseen characteristics of the cannabis plant. The genotype gives rise to the phenotype, which are the outward characteristics of the plant. 

The phenotype of the cannabis plant can be influenced by several factors, apart from the genotype. This includes environmental (growing conditions) such as availability of nutrients, lighting, temperature, and humidity, among others. This explains why one strain of cannabis may manifest different external characteristics in different growing environments. In other words, you don't expect the traits of Hawaiian Haze to remain the same regardless of where the plant is grown. An understanding of phenotypes will help you understand why the same strain may have different characteristics.

In summary, when selecting the best genetics for your CBD seeds, you should also factor in environmental influences and how this may affect your final harvest. 

Why CBD Seed Genetics Are Crucial

CBD seeds are not created equal. If anything, the difference between one and the other is as light and day. For example, one variety of CBD seeds might have up to 15% CBD while another might have less than 1% CBD. This affects the potency and benefits that one can expect to achieve from the two. Below, we have listed a few reasons you should care about CBD seed genetics to grow CBD-rich plants.

1.  Quality & Consistency That Meets Legal Requirements

The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp at a federal level in the US. This made hemp legal as well in the US. However, not all hemp is equal; only that which contains less than 0.3% THC.

To meet legal requirements, you must select CBD seeds with trace amounts of THC (less than 0.3%) and high amounts of CBD. You must also go the extra mile to test the crops for THC to ensure that the regularly 0.3% threshold is not exceeded. Should this happen, you will be at risk of losing your entire harvest.

2.  Determines Crop Yield

How much CBD seeds yield is locked up in their genetic makeup. If you are looking for high yields, you are better off starting with high-yielding indica such as Big Bud or Chocolope and then fine-tuning the growing conditions to maximize the yields.  

3.  Determines Crop Resilience

The genetics of the plant determines how resilient or how culpable a strain is. Landrace strains are generally hardy and can thrive in “difficult” growing conditions. If, for example, you're considering an outdoor grow, it is advisable to go for a landrace strain that will withstand the fluctuations of the external conditions. On the other hand, hybrid strains might do better indoor grow where cultivation conditions can be easily regulated.

4.  Determines Potency

The amount of CBD in each CBD seed is more or less predetermined in its genetic makeup. If you are looking to harness the therapeutic benefits of CBD, you will need to find CBD seeds that have high CBD amounts (ACDC, Lifter, Remedy), and they create optimum conditions to cultivate them. This way, you will be sure of the potency of your harvest. Even when given the best growing conditions, a low CBD strain will not produce a crop that is loaded with CBD. 


The genetics of CBD seeds are what determines the outcome of your grow operation. Investing heavily in the best grow tent or best growing techniques will not yield much if you get it wrong with genetics. On the other hand, if you fix the genetics of your CBD seeds, you will be halfway there.