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Growing 101:

Guide to Harvesting Cannabis Plants

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Cultivating and harvesting cannabis plants can be a rewarding process for both hobbyists and commercial growers. With various strains available and constantly evolving growing techniques, it's essential to understand the most effective methods for harvesting your cannabis plants. This article provides an in-depth guide to harvesting cannabis plants, including expert tips, techniques, and helpful resources.

1. Identifying the Optimal Time to Harvest

Knowing when to harvest your cannabis plants is crucial for achieving the desired potency and quality. To determine the optimal harvesting time, it's essential to monitor the trichomes (tiny resin glands) and the color of the pistils (tiny hair-like structures). Cannabis Trichomes and Pistils: An Overview

  • Clear trichomes: If the majority of the trichomes are clear, it's too early to harvest. The THC levels are still developing, and harvesting now will result in lower potency.
  • Milky trichomes: When trichomes turn milky or cloudy, it's a good indicator that the THC levels are peaking, and it's time to harvest for maximum potency.
  • Amber trichomes: If more than 70% of trichomes have turned amber, it's a sign that THC is degrading into CBN, and the effects of the cannabis will be more sedative.

2. Harvesting Techniques

Two primary methods are used for harvesting cannabis plants: wet trimming and dry trimming. Both methods have their advantages and drawbacks.

  • Wet Trimming: This method involves cutting off the fan leaves while the plant is still fresh and then hanging the branches to dry. Wet trimming is preferred by some growers as it can be faster and easier to manage. However, this method can cause the buds to dry out quickly, which may affect the overall taste and aroma.
  • Dry Trimming: In this method, the entire plant or branches are hung to dry before removing the leaves. Dry trimming is known to preserve the aroma and flavor better, but it can be more labor-intensive and time-consuming.

3. Harvesting Tools and Equipment

Proper tools and equipment are necessary to ensure an efficient and safe harvest. Some essential tools include:

  • Trimming Scissors: Sharp and precise scissors are needed for clean cuts without damaging the buds.
  • Gloves: Nitrile or latex gloves protect your hands from resin and ensure a sanitary working environment.
  • Drying Racks or Lines: To properly dry the harvested buds, use drying racks or lines in a well-ventilated and dark space.

4. Drying and Curing

Proper drying and curing are vital to preserving the flavor, aroma, and potency of your cannabis plants. After harvesting, hang the branches in a dark, cool, and well-ventilated space for 7-14 days. Ensure that the humidity levels are around 50%, and the temperature is between 60-70°F (15-21°C).

Curing involves storing the dried buds in airtight containers, such as glass jars, for a few weeks. This process allows the remaining moisture to distribute evenly and enhances the overall quality and flavor of the cannabis. Follow these steps for effective curing:

  • Fill glass jars up to 75% with dried buds, leaving enough space for air circulation.
  • Store the jars in a dark, cool place with a temperature around 60-70°F (15-21°C) and humidity levels between 55-62%.
  • During the first week, open the jars for 15-20 minutes daily to allow fresh air exchange and release built-up moisture, a process known as “burping.”
  • After the first week, burp the jars once every few days for the next two weeks.
  • The ideal curing time is 3-4 weeks, but some growers prefer to cure their cannabis for up to 6 months for a more refined taste and aroma.

5. Tips for a Successful Harvest

Here are some expert tips to ensure a successful cannabis harvest:

  • Sanitize your tools and workspace: Cleanliness is crucial to prevent contamination and ensure the best quality product.
  • Keep a close eye on humidity levels: High humidity can cause mold and mildew, while low humidity can lead to excessively dry buds.
  • Be patient: Rushing through the drying and curing processes can compromise the quality of your cannabis. Allow ample time for these processes to achieve the best results.
  • Document your process: Take notes throughout the cultivation and harvesting process. This will help you refine your techniques and improve future harvests.


Harvesting cannabis plants is a delicate process that requires attention to detail, patience, and proper techniques. By following the guidelines outlined in this article and utilizing the resources provided, you can ensure a successful harvest with optimal potency, flavor, and aroma. As you gain experience, you'll be able to refine your methods and achieve even better results.

Yan is a music teacher who's passionate about exploring the world of cannabis and all the amazing benefits it has to offer. You can catch him jamming out to his favorite tunes while immersing himself in the wonders of this incredible plant whenever he can.